filled with notes
or personalized messages
each day for encouragment
This is the original Caring Jar created by Charlotte Lauren as a surprise gift for her mom in July 2021.
Charlotte created the first Caring Jar for her mom who was diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Charlotte asked family members to write special notes of care, support and encouragement for her mom and filled the jar with these personalized notes as well as inspirational quotes. When the jar was getting low of notes, she added more.
Charlotte used a salsa jar which she painted and decorated. because she loved to recycle and upcycle. Many of the current caring jars are made from recycled jars, but some are made from plastic jars, depending on where they will be gifted.
The Caring Jar was filled with inspiration quotes that Charlotte chose for her mom, as well as personalized notes that she wrote. She also asked family members to write notes to include in the jar. The personalized notes are signed with the initial of the person who wrote the note because several family members contributed notes to the jar.
Charlotte said she chose fortune cookie sized notes so they could be folded up to fit into the jar. The jars that are now given out contain about 30 inspirational quotes that were used with the original jar.
This is the first note pulled from Charlotte's jar, by her mom, who took a picture of it to share with Charlotte. It was a personalized message written by Charlotte and signed with her initial to distinguish it from the other personalized messages.
You can ask friends and loved ones to write short notes of encouragement for you, or you can add your own words of encouragement to the jar and gift it to someone who needs support.
Make sure you sign your notes!
As you pull notes from your jar, you may place them in other containers for safe keeping, or to use again. The personalized notes will be a treasured correspondence between you and your loved ones that you shared this experience with.
Charlotte filled her Caring Jar with approximately 60 notes, which included 30 inspirational quotes and 30 personalized notes that she and other family members wrote for her mom.
On Thanksgiving 2021, Charlotte surprised her Mom by restocking the Caring Jar with more personalized notes. When Charlotte passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in December 2021, her mom was still pulling the notes after Charlotte passed, hearing the words of Charlotte's love and support for her.
There are many ways you can express your care and support for someone who needs to be uplifted. The notes on the left are examples of personalized messages from the original Caring Jar. As Charlotte said, you can become very sentimental and express deep feelings with the notes, which may be easier to do through writing than speaking in person. You can have fun with it, thinking of ways to brighten another person's day. More examples of personalized messages from Charlotte's Caring Jar are described below.
Charlotte chose inspirational quotes for the first Caring Jar from a variety of people who have shared insights to help others, such as Rumi, Anne Frank and Vincent Van Gogh, as well as contemporary figures such as Misty Copeland.
Ask family members and friends to write notes of their favorite memories, stories and quotes about a loved one who has passed. Celebrate the loved one's memory as you share the notes in a Caring Jar.
Participated in many volunteer activities throughout her life, with plans for the Caring Jar to be given to those in need, through charities, and to also encourage recipients of caring jars to pay it forward, by filling their jar with personalized notes for a loved one. Charlotte did not live long enough to fulfill these goals, passing suddenly from a brief illness in December 2021.
When she passed away unexpectedly, she left behind one of the best gifts possible: her notes of love, support and gratitude to her mother, as well as the notes she encouraged other family members to write.
Her mother is continuing on with Charlotte's plans for the Caring Jars by giving them to those who are suffering through illnesses, bereavements and other difficulties. Donations of jars are being made to cancer centers, churches, and charities, and anyone who may benefit from this caring gift.
Throughout her life she supported many charities including:
Volunteer work at the Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center
Volunteer work for the American Heart Association through the Lawyers have Heart Run
Hokie Ambassador Volunteer and reading tutor volunteer at Virginia Tech
Supported World Wildlife Fund, Angel Tree,
Local homeless shelters and domestic violence centers
More recently, Review Team volunteer for Nextdoor Neighbor
We would love to hear your experience with your caring jar.
Also if you have comments or questions, please email us at:
If you would like to make a donation to support Caring Jars, the funds will be used for supplies and any remaining funds will be donated to one of the charities Charlotte supported.